Your generosity will help propel Lanesboro Arts into 2025!

Our Reach for the Arts annual fund campaign is an opportunity to highlight the many amazing things our Lanesboro Arts members help make happen over the year. Your support has continued to make wonderful programs and events happen here at Lanesboro Arts, even through both global, national, and local landscape changes, and the usual day to day realities of non-profit work. Lanesboro Arts continues to adapt and grow with a sustained and enthusiastic commitment to fostering the arts in our area. We’re deeply grateful for your support that makes it all possible.
We look back on 2024 as a year of connection and grounding. We gathered with our community of artists, art lovers, and community members around local live performances, educational workshops and celebratory gallery openings. We hosted two month-long early career artist residencies and five BIPOC artist residencies. Not only that, we reconnected with previous artists-in-residence, who hosted workshops throughout the year. We welcomed thousands of visitors to the refurbished Gallery space, as well as two new gallery staff members. We offered our beloved summer youth art programs and strengthened our support for art in the schools. Behind the scenes, we invested in our organization’s commitment to justice equity diversity and inclusion, while taking steps to ensure Lanesboro Art’s organizational strength, stability, and relevance into the future.
This brief list only highlights some of the wonderful ways in which Lanesboro Arts works to fulfill its mission as a regional catalyst for artistic excellence and educational development in providing diverse art experiences for people of all ages in our vibrant and unique community.
We believe in the transformative power of creativity in our daily lives. We believe in the collective impact of art and artists in processing our world. We believe that our community is strongest when we rise together to grow into new challenges and opportunities. As our team plans for another year of diverse, joyful, and impactful art programming, we ask you to join our efforts through your financial support.
Your support will help:
- Support new and continued public art projects.
- Youth arts programming that enriches art educations and inspires young people to create.
- Rhythms on the Root concert series in Gateway Park.
- Support and uplift emerging and established regional artists
- Artist Residency Programs and more!
Our goal is to raise $10,000 by December 31st. We are consistently amazed at the strength of our community support. Thank you for your part in bringing the arts to life in Lanesboro.
We’re relying on people like you to help us reach our goal and provide these experiences for our region. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to support Lanesboro Arts’ vital community programming today! Contact Executive Director Kara Maloney with any questions 507-467-2446 ext 3 or
Thank you to those who have donated already to Reach for the Arts:
Augustin, Michael and MacLaughlin, Kathy
Baker, Keith and Kitty
Bakke, David and Lori
Bakke, Duane and Angel
Banken, Joseph and Sue
Bergey, Courtney and Swanson, James
Butler, Perry and Terry
Christenson, David and Greden Christenson, Kathy
Deden, Mary Bell and Joe
Dungan, Susan Hawks and Nathan
Erickson, Stephen
Feidler, Pat
Flynn, Anne and Buggs, Jon
Gaddo, John and North, Nancy
Gallagher, Jim and Gayle
Grevstad, Cliff and Jane
Haight, Dick and Diane
Happel, Anne and Charlie
Hennessey, David and Linda
Hennessy, Beth and Barnes, Tom
Horihan, Richard
Johnson, Larry and Sheryl
Johnson, Yvonne
Kelly, Nancy and Norb
Kiehne, Richard and Annette
Knutson, Karl and Patti
Krage, Dale
Larson, Bruce and Jan
Lindgren, Cindy
Maloney, Steve and Marlene
McCal, Diane
McConnell, Brian
Meyer, Richard
Miehlisch, Eric and Andrea
Nichols, Mary Ellen and Jim
O’Koren, Joe
Pederson, David and Becky
Rehm, Jackie
Riggott, Elliot and Susan
Sheeley, Jim
Soma, Jeff and Barb
Sunde, Steven
Susag, David and Lynn
Thompson, Sandy and Lauren
Torgrimson, John and Pat
Vagts, Margaret and Bob
Wiener, Jim & Gloria
Wiltgen, Adam and Kirchner, Nicole
Wood, Jennifer and Riddle, Vern