"The things that were going on here were incredible to us.”

Since 2008, Robin Krom has performed in Lanesboro Community Theater & Over the Back Fence productions and volunteered at the gallery. From 2008-2014 he served on the Lanesboro Arts Board of Directors. In 2009, Mayor Krom and his wife Bethany attended their first Swingsation, an annual benefit gala for Lanesboro Arts. He remembers that evening as “a wow factor for us. It was just a whole new experience in this little town, and the things that were going on here were incredible to us.” Krom is consistently amazed by the level of support and ownership of Lanesboro Arts volunteers. “That’s what keeps our town interesting.” Krom also served as Mayor of Lanesboro, MN from 2014-2016 and played the lead role of Joseph in LCT’s summer 2017 production of “Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat.”
Robin enjoys acting, creating glass mosaics, and spending time with his grandchildren.