Lanesboro Arts presents “My Wild and Precious Life”, an exhibition showcasing paintings by Kat Corrigan. The show opens on August 27th with an artist reception on Saturday, August 28th from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.; the show runs through October 17th. Always free and open to the public, gallery hours are Thursday – Sunday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Inspired by the beauty of every day objects and Mary Oliver’s poem “The Summer Day”, the exhibition will feature animal paintings (both domestic and wild animals), as well as landscapes and water scenes.
Through Corrigan’s paintings, viewers are invited to enter a universe that is sharp and alive with color, vibrates with movement, lights the imagination, and offers sanctuary from daily human complication.
“Painting is an act of meditation and joy for me. It is the negative space around familiar forms that intrigues me- how to properly depict that curve of kinked tail, the twist in an ear, the slant of sunlight on fallen snow. I thrill to take a common subject such as a dog and elevate it to an abstraction of color and light. My work is translating the focus of a soul into brushstrokes, attempting to depict in pigment what is written in an eye,” explains Corrigan.
Award-winning Minneapolis-based artist Kat Corrigan’s formal art training began at a young age through the direction of her mother, an art teacher and exhibiting artist. Corrigan graduated from the College of St. Benedict with a BA in Art, including a semester of independent study in Ireland painting watercolors. She is active in the Women’s Art Resources of Minnesota (WARM) and participates annually in the Women’s Art Institute in Grand Marais, MN at the Art Colony. She exhibits her paintings throughout the metro area and actively seeks gallery representation and private commissions. Her work has won awards and recognition in juried shows throughout the United States and has been widely collected both in the US and in England, Australia, Japan, Wales, and Lebanon. Corrigan teaches painting lessons from her South Minneapolis studio.
This exhibit is sponsored by Inspire(d) Magazine and is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. For more information visit www.lanesboroarts.org, call 507-467-2446 or email gallery@lanesboroarts.org. Handicapped accessible and free to the public, the exhibition gallery is located at 103 Parkway Avenue North in Lanesboro, MN.