In lieu of public performances of the fourth year of Audacious Raw Theatre, Catherine Glynn’s annual collection of devised performance pieces, The Commonweal Theatre, Glynn, and Lanesboro Arts have paired up to co-produce a new version of the 2020 project entitled Audacious Reimagined Theater. Glynn’s original play, The Root River Anthology, will be produced as an audio podcast series in collaboration with regional artists Eric Carranza, Jerome Yorke Jr., Hilary Williams along with members of Commonweal’s resident ensemble.
The Commonweal Theatre, Lanesboro Arts and Catherine Glynn’s A.R.T. (Audacious Raw Theater) have joined creative forces to produce The Root River Anthology, a new work for the time of social distancing—a radio play to experience while walking at a socially safe distance through the Root River region or in the comfort of your own home.
Catherine Glynn’s original script, The Root River Anthology, takes the rich history of the land and people of Bluff Country as its starting point. This world premiere podcast features the voice talent of your favorite performers from the Commonweal Theatre and A.R.T., as well as original music by former Lanesboro artist-in-residence Eric Carranza.
Inspired by the stage plays Our Town, Under Milk Wood, Spoon River Anthology, and a story featured on NPR’s This American Life, the action of The Root River Anthology takes place after an epic flood. Set in a fictional town along Minnesota’s Root River, one of the remaining undamaged structures is the community’s lone public phone booth that washed up into the yard of a local farmer. What ensues are conversations in the phone booth that connect the living, the dead, and those in between. Told with humor, engaging storytelling, and a tinge of heartache, The Root River Anthology will introduce a wide range of lively characters who may just remind you of the importance of staying connected to one another.
Part 1 and Part 2:
Once you donate at any amount to Root River Anthology here, you will receive an email confirmation with a link to the Root River Anthology Part 1 and Part 2.
Part 3 – “Still Flowing”
Part 3 of The Root River Anthology features monologues from community members. Anyone who has listened to the play is welcome to submit their own monologues to be performed! The Part 3 videos featured below are “Naturally Occurring” – written & performed by Penelope Walker (ART 2018); “Brother” – written and performed by Jeremy van Meter; and “The Flood” by Hal Cropp (version one features Eric Carranza’s music). All of the videos are curated and edited by Catherine Glynn.
This event is co-presented by A.R.T., Lanesboro Arts and Commonweal Theatre, and sponsored by the Wisconsin Public Radio, Inspire(d) Magazine, High Court Pub, and Granny’s Liquors.
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"Naturally Occurring" - written & performed by Penelope Walker (ART 2018)
"Brother" - written and performed by Jeremy van Mete
"The Flood" by Hal Cropp