Lanesboro Arts and Commonweal Theatre Company invite community members of all ages to participate in the creation process of a large-scale Theatre District Mural to be installed on the south wall of the building at 204 Parkway Ave. N. in downtown Lanesboro. Community paint sessions are taking place on Wednesday, October 16 and Friday, October 18 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., as well as on Thursday, October 17 from 9 a.m. to noon. Individuals or groups interested in participating are welcome to drop in during those times or contact Kara Maloney of Lanesboro Arts or Stela Burdt of Commonweal Theatre to schedule a shift to help paint the mural.
The mural’s design will be painted onto parachute cloth, a canvas-like material, inside the building at 115 Parkway Ave. N. in Lanesboro Oct. 16 – 18. Then, from Oct. 19 – 23, the painted cloth will be installed at its final location adjacent to the St. Mane Theatre and Commonweal Theatre in a manner similar to applying wallpaper. Lanesboro is a unique rural community, in that it is home to two active theatres on its main street. Designed by artist Erik Pearson, with community input and ideas from a May 2019 brainstorming meeting, the Theatre District Mural celebrates the performing arts and highlights both theatres, but also honors and reflects the Lanesboro community’s rich heritage and traditions.
For more on the mural, visit: lanesboroarts.org/theatre-district-mural