Lanesboro Arts

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Art in the Park Early Career Artist Application

This is an opportunity for early career artists to be a vendor at the 44th annual Art in the Park on June 14th, 2025.

Please note: if you have been a vendor at Art in the Park before, you are not considered an early career artist for this application. See below for the full definition of an early career artist.

There is no application fee for this early career artist application. There is also a discounted booth fee of $50, and the opportunity to split that booth fee with another artist if desired.

We are looking for artists in the following areas: ceramics, drawing/pastels, fiber, glass, jewelry, literary arts, metalwork, mixed media, painting, paper, photography, printmaking, sculpture, textiles, and wood.

Definition of “Early Career Artist”
Lanesboro Arts defines an “early career artist,” or emerging artist, as an individual who has great potential in their artistic practice but has not yet received major recognition, has not yet been substantially celebrated for their work and / or is not yet established significant “footing” within their field.

Each applicant’s resume will be thoughtfully reviewed by the panelists, who will consider the significance, scope, and timing of artists’ previous exhibitions, critical reviews, commissions, performances, grant awards, residencies, fellowships, publications, and productions. (Generally, the best candidates are those who have no more than three of the major professional accomplishments noted above.)

Age is not a factor in determining an early career artist.

Art in the Park Early Career Artist Application 2025

Have you exhibited at Art in the Park before?(Required)
If you answered "yes", you should process your application as an Established Artist via Zapplication. If you have participated at Art in the Park as an artist in the past, you do not qualify as an Emerging Artist. Any questions regarding this process should be directed to
A description that is at least 4 - 6 sentences long.
What is your story or journey as an early career artist? How long have you been making visual art? What are your future goals or projects?

Work Samples

Please include six to eight DIGITAL IMAGES or PHOTOGRAPHS representative of your work made within the past 12 months. Digital images must be 300 dpi at approx. 4” x 5” .eps or .tif or .jpg. Due to the large size of digital image files, we ask that you share them via a folder in Dropbox or Google Drive (instructions – see "Other ways to share > Share a link to a file or folder"). Your application will not be considered complete until we receive your images.
Share your work samples via a folder in Dropbox or Google Drive by providing the URL here. ***IMPORTANT: If submitting work samples via Google Drive, please ensure that the folder is shared publicly. Your general access permissions should be set to "Anyone with the Link" so that our jury can access your images. Here is an example of what a link to a folder in Google Drive looks like:
Submitted Works(Required)
Retail Price
For each work you submit, please add a new row using the plus (+) icon.
Would you demonstrate your creative practice at your booth in addition to selling your work?
Would you be creating artwork or showcasing part of your creative practice, for example working a pottery wheel, live weaving or spinning, painting, carving etc while selling your work.
How did you hear about this opportunity?
Racial/Cultural Origin
We recognize that this language is ever evolving and complex. If you prefer to list your racial/cultural origin, please do so in the space provided below.
If you prefer to list your racial/cultural origin, please do so in the space provided here.
Gender identity
We understand that gender identity is complex, so if you prefer to list your gender identity or expand, please do so in the space provided below.
If you prefer to list your racial/cultural origin, please do so in the space provided here.
Pronouns #2
If you prefer to list your pronouns, please do so in the space provided below.
If you prefer to list your pronouns, please do so in the space provided here.
We recognize that identities are complex, and that there may be other significant aspects of your unique identity that you would like us to be aware of. If so, please share how you identify (Can be related to your ethnicity, culture, other descriptors you would like to be known, etc...)
Would you like to join the Lanesboro Arts E-Newsletter?
The newsletter is delivered twice a month and contains updates on Lanesboro Arts Programming, including Art in the Park and other artist opportunities.
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