Lanesboro Arts is committed to making the arts accessible to all people. Read below for information about our access services.

Gallery building at 103 Parkway Avenue North
This historic building is accessible via a removable ramp at the main front entrance, which has one step up from the sidewalk. Gallery displays are arranged with minimum 39” aisles to accommodate wheelchair and walker traffic, and gallery signage is prominent, featuring Arial 14 pt font or larger to accommodate persons with vision impairment. Flat-bottom sitting chairs with backrests are conveniently located throughout the sales and exhibition gallery.
St. Mane Theatre at 206 Parkway Avenue North
This historic building is accessible via a removable ramp at the main front entrance into the lobby, which has one step up from the sidewalk. On-site facility restrooms are currently located in the lower level, down a flight of stairs. Thanks to a special arrangement with Commonweal Theatre Company, Lanesboro Arts staff and/or volunteer ushers are available at all events to escort St. Mane Theatre patrons to the nearest same-level restrooms located next door at the Commonweal Theatre.
Assisted listening devices and special seating for those with mobility impairments are available immediately upon request. Patrons are encouraged to inquire with Lanesboro Arts staff when making their ticket reservation. Large print playbills and audio description services are available to patrons with vision impairment with at least one week’s notification.
Patrons interested in attending an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreted performance are encouraged to provide Lanesboro Arts staff with at least five weeks notification.
Artist Residency Program
Lanesboro Arts staff with work closely with all selected resident artists to secure live/work space that will meet their needs. The Artist Residency Center live/work space is located in the upper level of the St. Mane Theatre, accessible via a flight of stairs. Selected resident artists with mobility impairments can be housed in appropriate single level housing and work space in the Lanesboro community. Lanesboro Arts strives to host events during residencies at various ADA accessible locations throughout the Lanesboro community.
Art in the Park
Lanesboro Arts coordinates with City of Lanesboro and the Lanesboro Public Library to ensure access to the accessible restrooms located inside the Lanesboro Public Library, which is adjacent to Sylvan Park where Art in the Park is held. Special attention is paid by staff and event volunteers who layout spaces for the artist vendor booths to ensure that programming takes place on flat ground and that the aisles are at least larger than the minimum 39” width.
Lanesboro Arts works with artist vendors throughout the jury selection process to ensure adequate assistance and access is provided during the day of the event. Nearly all of the booth spots are accessible via a vehicle, but artists are encouraged to note any special booth requirements in their application. The Information Booth for the event is located near the main entrance to the park. Staff and volunteers are available to offer assistance and/or escorts to any guest or vendor requesting additional services.
Arts Campus
Lanesboro Arts is committed to promoting, advocating and helping achieve accessibility improvements within the artistic canvas of the community’s built environment. The organization prioritizes public art installations that are physically accessible, such as the Discover Sculpture Explore Lanesboro Medallion Tour and the Poetry Parking Lot. The organization promotes and advocates for accessible municipal infrastructure improvements such as benches, wheelchair accessible fishing piers, and the County Road 8 Underpass.